Philippians 3:9

Philippians 3:9- And be found in him, not having a righteousness of mine own, even that which is of the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousnesss which is from God by faith.

:   Here, in this verse, Paul is telling us that it is beneficial for us, as believers and followers of Christ to not be self-righteousness, nor stubborn, but to put all our trust in Him and be righteous in our walk with God.  Jesus Christ is the only one we should put our trust in if we don't, spiritual warfare will take place in our day and we may fail in what we are doing, also pride may also get in the way of what God wants in our lives. As mere humans, we are gullible and easily sucked in to the wants and the things of this life; we must be very careful not to let the trifle things of this world get in the way of our walk with our Heavenly Father. Another thing we must be careful of is Pride. It is one of those Seven Deadly Sins that the Lord completely dislikes. Pride is basically the " I know what i'm doing." and " Watch this." type of attitude that all humans have in common. It is selfish and pompous and just plain dumb. I must confess I struggle with pride a lot and really need to work on it.

APPLICATION : Tonight, I'm going to pray to the Lord for help with my pride. I'm going to also do my part and try to block pride out of my life. I will also have my Team hold me accountable especially on the mission field.


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