Philippians 4:11

Philippians 4:11 - Not that I speak in regard to need,for I have learned  in which state I am, to be Content.
 : Theres the word " Content again ! Yay! " In this verse we learn once again how important  it is to be content. God wants us to be content in Him.  Even though we may go through our rough days in life where we literally feel like ripping our hair out of our heads. For me, when it comes to certain aspects like doing loads of homework, I find myself getting aggrivated with the certain things that  that are being put on my schedule plate. The devil starts lying to me and tantalilzing me saying " If you don't get this or that done, you will be being seen as a laughing stock or a failure. " My flesh, of course is weak, and I must confess that sometimes I find myself believing those slanderous lies and thats where my aggrivation begins. I, and everyone else in the world, sometimes need to relize that not being content with the homework or work in general that we have will just lead us into a tail spin.

APPLICATION : Tomorrow I will sit in the living room and do my homework with no grumbling or sulking, I will make sure that it gets done and that i will do my work to glorify my Father in heaven and not to just get it out of the way. And if i need help? I will ask one of my team mates for assistance. :) 


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