Hebrews 13:5

  Hebrews 13:5 - Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself said "I will never leave you, nor forsake you."

: In this verse, as we read we notice that it tells us to be content with the things we have and not be covetous.Being content with what we have can sometimes be a bit difficult. as humans, we tend to want more and more or tend to become envious of what others have that we don't. We have the urge to crave more and have more, yet forgetting that we should be happy with what God has provided for us. although there are even some people out there who are content with what our father has provided for them. One such soul was a coal miner, he was dirt poor with only the bread on his table and wore shaggy tattered clothes, he also lived in a shack by himself that was worn down and could easily fall over any day. The question was, did that man complain? No! in fact he said the most heartwarming thing that he could ever speak. he praised the Lord and said with a smile on his face " All this and Jesus Christ. All this and Jesus Christ!" .If we could be as content as that poor coal miner who barely had anything, think the joy that we could have in our walk with our Father in Heaven. Heres something to really think about. Why do you think that old coal miner was so content in his poverty? Heres the answer, He had Jesus Christ in his life. If we have a strong relationship with our Father in Heaven, Then what more could we ever ask for. Proverbs chapter 19 says " Better is the poor who walks in his integrity, than one who is perverse in his lips and is a fool."  Here in this Proverb, Solomon clearly states that It is better to be as humble as a poor man, then  to be foolish and haughty. The scruffy coal miner was a perfect symbol of pure contentment and humbleness.  We should at least try to be humble like the poor man and be content in what God has provided for us. And we shall never forget that our Father has the power and authority to give and to take away.

APPLICATION : Tomorrow I shall look around and praise God for what He has provided for me. I will not complain about what i do have, and will be patient while awaiting shopping day. I will have one of my team mates hold me accountable, so  that I will not faulter. 


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