Philippians 3:8

Philippians 3:8 - Yet indeed I also count all things for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish that I may gain Christ.

:  To lay things down is the hardest thing for the everyday person to do, But it is thew best thing to do if we want to have a real intimate relationship with our Father. In this verse, Paul tells us that we should , If we want to follow the Lord, lay down the things that may be idols in our lives that are taking in most of the time that we should have with Jesus Christ our Savior. The most dangerous thing for our walk with the Lord is social media, some secular music and more things that are of this world.  If a person is trying to follow the Lord and yet are hanging on to those things, they are going to struggle greatly. Lay those worldly idols down, Pick up the cross and follow Christ. Thats what God is calling us to do. The Lord said we can not serve to Kings, we Can not serve Him and the things of this world, we are called to only serve and love Him. He is the only one true God, there are no other gods but Jesus Christ. Buddah, Mohammed, and many of the other so-called "gods" are not real, they don't hear,see,feel,speak,or love. These gods are therefore false gods that are in Jehovahs eyes demonic, wicked , and useless. But these are not the only false gods that people have; Facebook and other social media can become false-gods as well. anything that people spend more time with becomes a idol or a false god. They may not see this truth, but Jehovah does. In order to follow Jehovah Jireh, the  one true God, we must lay down those things and follow Him. " take up the cross, and follow Me." 
 ~ Jesus Christ.

APPLICATION : For now on, I'm going to lay down what ever I may be putting first before the Lord, I'm going to take up my cross, and I'm going to follow Him. The Lord is way more important than anything in this world and I'm going to spend more time with Him, my Father in heaven whom I will put all my trust.


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