Matthew 20:26- 28

Matthew 20:26-28 : yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life ransom for many.

: The measure of greatness is not position, power, or prestige; it is service.  As humans, we easily forget this truth, and believe that the measure of greatness is position, power, greatness, or fame. The world believes the lie that fame is the one way ticket to greatness when it is not. the key to the measure of greatness is service. Service is the act of working or helping others . As christians we must remember that acting out on service for our Lord is not only doing His work, but also a act of self-sacrifice and devotion. Doing our Fathers work and meditating only on Him is the one way ticket to the measure of greatness as we all know it.
The devout christian is very confident in the Lord as she\ he is serving the Lord with fullness of heart. Instead of going after the worlds most wanted worldly fame and fortune, we must give our lives fully to being servants of the Living God that created us for this very purpose.

APPLICATION: when we have servant time, I will do my work, not only to get it over with, but to serve the Lord Jesus Christ.


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