Mark 4:11-12

Mark 4:11-12 : And He said to them, " To you it has been given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God; but to those who are outside, all things come in parables, so that 'Seeing they may see and not perceive, and hearing they may hear and not understand; And their sins be forgive them.

:  Here Jesus tells us that He tells His parables, not that the people may perceive not that they will understand, but that they may see and their sins be forgiven. On the mission field in Guatemala, Team Guatemala will, by Gods will, be given the chance to minister and tell people about Him and the ultimate sacrifice Jesus made so that they may have Salvation. While we are in Guat, there will be times were we may get that chance, some will listen, some will turn an walk away or call us crazy. But, no matter what the outcome may be, we shall keep pressing on in our Fathers work.We were born into this world for only one reason, so that our Father can use us as tools to bring the Good news to the masses. the news of eternal life.  We were not meant to sit around and keep the Lords light for ourselves, we were meant to share it with others out there who are walking in darkness and confusion. As we are to help the blind to cross the street, and help the deaf to learn how to talk with there hands so they know what others are saying, we are to be the light to help those out there who are walking in Spiritual darkness to see where they are going and so they may find God and find His love that never fails.

APPLICATION : While in Guatemala or on my way there on the plane, I'm going to close my eyes and pray to the Lord and thank Him for giving me the chance to tell others in another country about Him and minister to them about His divine love.


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