Romans 6:16

Romans 6:16- Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one's to whom you obey, whether sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness?

: Here Paul is highlighting that obedience to authority, no matter what authority, is good for our well being. As a slave is to obey there master, so are we to obey our Lord Christ Jesus. Obedience is looked upon by this new generation as petty and trifle. they'd rather do things their own way than Gods way or the way of the authority  placed over them . Studies have shown that teenagers are more susceptible to commiting a crime or suicide than a adult. This stage is commonly called the rebellious teenage stage.Teenagers in this day and age think that once they are in their teens, they can do what ever they want. If they don't get what they want, they run away from home, commit suicide, commit crimes, vandalize property, or even shop lift. Although this isnt true for all teens, it is very common in Godless homes and sometimes in christian homes as well. What are these teens not getting engrained into their heads ? The submition to authority. If these teens would submit to authority, they would be happier, healthier,more grateful for what God has given them, and would be thankful for the descipline given to them by their elders. I must confess, being 19, I do tend to get frustrated with the authority placed over me. It should just stop! This generation needs to pull themselves together and submit to the God-given authority placed over them . We must pray for this generation that they will finally learn the benefits of submition to authority and that they will be thankful for the authority placed over them. This world needs prayer power .

APPLICATION : Tomorrow I will ask my team to hold hands and pray with me for this generation, not only that but shape up my act as well so that my rebellion towards authority would finally end. I will ask God for help and will work on my attitude towards others so that i will finally be a good example of what a born again christian should be.


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