Psalm 111:10

Psalm 111:10- The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise forever.
: this verse in Psalm 111,talks about the fear of the Lord that all believers should have , since its beneficial for the believer to have the Fear of the Lord in his life ; lets go over what the Fear of the Lord even means . to have the fear of the Lord means to have a obedient response of the wonder and awe before the Most High God.  now, lets think about that word 'obediance'. obediance means to obey the authority of a person who is more advanced in age and or a person that has more wisdom than us and more knowledge. like a mom or dad , or sensei, or maybe a grandmother , grandfather, or principal , or , how about God? If we have obediance for the awe and wonder of our Father in Heaven, our walk with Him will be sweet, blessed , and filled with His divine grace and mercy. the fear of the Lord is very important when it comes to walking with God. Before we even think of doing the Lords work out in the mission field, we need to fear or obey the Lord first, And also,  we need to have self control as well, especially over our actions . In James 1:19-20 , James tells us we need to be 'swift to hear, slow to speak,and slow to wrath.' Now if we think about these things, we think about how much these traits will help us in our walk with God. lets put all these things together now . Fear the Lord, be swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath. if we do these things, our walk a descipleship shall be easy right? good news, yes! bad news, no. still we will have trials in our walk , no matter what we do or how we act. But here is the good thing , the trials God allows into our lives, are to get us ready for the big stuff that is awaiting us across the river bend . There is a old Chinese proverb I once heard a while back, it goes like this ' A diamond can not be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials' this chinese proverb is very true, without God allowing trials into our lives, how are we supposed to be ready for the real deal , like surviving in a foreign country, or sharing the Gospel with many?  If we fear God, and let Him perfect us, then he will prepare us fully for the mission field and will be there to back us up when we need it the most.  Fearing the Lord is essential for the work  we are about to do. we should fear Him greatly .

APPLICATION: today on I will fear the Lord and allow Him to take full control over my life, im tired of fighting, tired of trying to do things on my own when God keeps telling me " dont worry my daughter , ive got this,just trust in Me." Go ahead Father . take full control. I ready.


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