Mark 10:47-49

          Mark 10: 47-49: And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out and say, " Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!" Then many warned him to be quiet; but he cried out all the more, "Son of David, have mercy on me!" So Jesus stood still and commanded him to be called.  : In these verses, Bartimaeus, a blind man,  heard Jesus' voice and therefore called out to Him to notice him and have mercy on him, causing many to notice him and tell him to be quiet. he didnt care and called for Jesus to notice him yet again and this time, Jesus noticed Bartimaeus and commanded the multitude to call him over. sometimes, we are a lot like Bartimaeus, we are blind from our many sins in our lives, crying out for God to pick us up and help us. we cry and plea for God to have mercy on you,and , if we are close to Him, he does just that.
if you ever heard the song 'Amazing Grace', it talks about Jesus saving us by dying on the cross for our sins, for once, we were lost blind souls whos fate was hell and forever death  until he shed His precious blood for us and took all our sins on His shoulders so that we may have the promise of eternal life. I, was once a lost soul, destined for hell fire , blind as a blind man, Satan had me right where he wanted me and   I was broken, empty in side, alone in my soul, until one night where my life was at stake and I cried out to God for help . Sure enough,the Lord sent His guardian angel to come and protect me. God heard the faint cry of a lost little lamb , a lost girl with hardly any hope left, and He saved my life. God still heard the cry of that broken young woman, even though she was spiritually blind and wasnt following Him and a week later, that broken young woman gave her very life to Him and ran back into her Heavenly Fathers arms, once a prodigal daughter, once blind, now able to see.
Jesus can save any lost broken soul , when they finally cry out to Him. He loves all of us, no matter what, He loves us so much, He sent His only cherished son, His little pride and Joy , Jesus, into the world to be  beaten beyond recognition and nailed to a cross to die for our sins so that we may no longer be blind , but recieve sight and be given the gift of eternal life in Christ Jesus , Jehova Jireh, Yaweh our Lord.

APPLICATION: As I live out my days on this earth until the Lord returns, I will always thank God for Him sending His angel to protect me , and giving me a second chance to get my act back together and follow Him, becoming not only a every day christian, but also His follower and desciple. Long Live our Heavenly King, our Prince of Peace, The great I AM  , Jesus Christ !!


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