Luke 21 ;19

Luke 21:19 - By your patience, possess your souls.
: Here Jesus is talking about patience. " By patience, possess your souls." Patience is key in a believers walk with our heavenly Father. If we are patient, and wait on Him, He will certainly back us up in our spiritual walk with Him, especially in our troubling  times. Our God is a just God, a awesome God who delights in the patience of His children. If we are not patient and don't wait on God, this will grieve our Father immensily . Being patient in tough circumstances is beneficial to the christians way of life. we must always remember that , our Father has our back , no matter how hard the day may be or how loud the spiritual warfare in our heads may get.

APPLICATION : Tomorrow, I will be patient if spiritual warfare or conflict comes my way. i will give all my frustrations and worries to my Father in Heaven and will always keep in mind that in tough trials, He has my back, if only I cry out to Him.


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