James 1:5

James 1:5- If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. : this verse teaches us how we can rely on God for godly wisdom, here James teaches us that if we lack wisdom, we shan't be afraid, we should just ask it of God and if we are followers of Him, He will bless us with the wisdom from above that we need to make it through this world. King Solomon was blessed with the gift of godly wisdom by God , and he used it well, but sadly he became prideful and gave himself the glory instead of God , which resulted in him witnessing a bitter loss. If we recieve the gift of godly wisdom, we must be careful to not give ourselves the glory, but give God all the glory for we must remember that He is the one who gave us that gift in the first place. it is good for us to  wholesomely ask God for godly wisdom and guidance with a pure heart. God is a good good Father who cares very much for His children ( the church ) and when they are doing His work, and are in need, will give them the necessities they need to make it through there days serving Him. When we tithe, we are not giving to the church, but to God. thats something to think about; If God gives to us, we should do our part and give what we have to Him in advance. its fair.  God provides for our very needs, we should give Him all the praise if He uses us for His work . We should ask with a wholesome heart , a heart not full of self, but of  kindness for others and meekness.
APPLICATION: Tomorrow when I lack wisdom and understanding, instead of getting frustrated, I will ask God for guidance and wisdom with a pure and wholesome heart and attitude. My Heavenly Daddy loves me and I love Him. I shall trust Him for Spiritual Wisdom.


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