
Hebrews 11:1- Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,the evidence of things unseen : In this verse .it talks about how faith is the substance of things hoped for . Jesus said "If we have faith as small as a mustard seed, we can move mountains." This is very true !!  if we believe in the Lord our God , whom is very much real but yet unseen , and if we put all our faith in Him, He can help us in the thick and thin of our every day life . Believe it or not, I learned that during my childhood. I had a childhood experience that I will never forget. I know this may sound very far fetched, but, it is the truth that I know most people who have had the same incident happen, would definitley believe. I must have been 7 years of age at the time when this took place . It was a week after my 7th birthday that me and my friend were playing with a flying disc, or as it is called ,frisby at the time in the backyard and were laughing and carrying on like children do, when my friend tossed the frisby over towards me and it got stuck up in the pine tree up on the hill we have behind our house. it was stuck up there pretty high and my friend started to  cry saying that she wanted it back , so I, being the dare devil little girl I was, decided to climb up the tree and get it down for her. It must have been like about 12 feet high that I climbed when I , to my dismay , stepped on a weak branch which snapped making me collapse into a head long free fall  . this is where I believe God sent His angel to come rescue me . Before I even hit the ground, I was caught up in a pure white light. I felt like I was gently laid on the ground, then the white light went away. I sat there on the dirt for what must have been 5 minutes, trying to process in my mind what exactly took place. I know that what Ijust said may sound kind of cheesy or far fetched to certain people. heck even my friend didnt believe me and thought I was lying. but I swear , what I saw, was as real as time itself. I had complete faith that God had a guardian angel watching over me. there wasn't ever a time where I never believed it . I believed in the unseen. and the unseen, was what saved my life that day .

APPLICATION: Today, I will gladly write start a story called Faith In the Unseen : God, Angels, and Miracles. and while writing, keep in mind how amazing God can be , even though we can't see Him or His angel warriors, they are very much real and very much there.


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