Ephesians 5:21 - Submitting to one another in the fear of God.

: This verse tells us that we should submit to one another in the fear of the Lord. This is perfect advice for Team Guatemala, Team Uganda, and Team Costa Rica! If we submit to our team mates ( and the authority God will place over us)  on the field, God will be present there with us in times of need. Team work is a good example of loyalty and friendship, if we submit to one another and get along, Team work is exactly what we will have. In Ignite, I learned about team work, how if we help one another and have each others backs, things are more easy and get done faster. We should, under God, submit to one another and help each other out cause, out on the field, our teams will definitely be depending on it.

APPLICATION: While doing things with my Team ( Team Guat ), I will make sure that  we have each others back and that we work as not one but a Team to get certain things done.


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