Colossians 1:11

Colossians 1: 11 - Being strengthened with all power according to His glorious might so that you may have great indurance and patience.

: Here is a letter from the apostle Paul that states that if we are strengthened with all power according to Gods marvelous might, we  may have great indurance and patience in the Lord Jesus Christ. This verse is very helpful for a  fledgling missionary who is just going into the mission field for the first time.  it is encouraging to know that we can always depend on our heavenly Father for strength when things may get tough. If we are following God real close with a whole heart, He will, if we ask Him, gift us with indurance and patience for our hard times in the field or in everyday life.  What I have learned for the past 4 weeks is that, instead of complaining during my hard times and during spiritual warfare, I should just resist the devil or the things that are bothering me and turn to the Lord for Indurance and patience and He helped me out but fast. If we don't complain about our trials and rather rejoice in them; our lives will be much better as we have our eyes focused on Jesus Christ our Lord.

APPLICATION: During my days of fasting and praying, I will not complain and will always turn to my Father in Heaven for assistance, for He is the Alpha and the Omega, The First and the Last, the Redeemer of the Brethren, and is Love .


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